25-26.01.2024, Business days
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Rafał Abramczyk
CEO, hotelAG
Aleksandra Adryańska-Krząkała
Architect, Co-owner, Plac Grunwaldzki Foundation
Dan Alka
Architecture Photographer
Mariia Andriienko
Partner, KOTSIUBA Landscape Architecture Studio
Bartłomiej Annusewicz
President of the Management Board, Lions Estate
Dmytro Aranchii
Architect, Founder, Owner, Dmytro Aranchii Architects
Tomasz Augustyniak
Designer, Interior Architect, Tomasz Augustyniak Studio
Aleksandr Baranowski
Project Coordinator, the National Union of Architects
Edyta Barańska
Founder, Barańska Design
Karol Barcal
Market Manager, IKEA Retail Polska
Marcin Baron
Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic and Regional Research, Katowice University of Economics
Dorota Bartosz
Director for Sustainable Buildings, The Polish Green Building Council PLGBC
Mateusz Baumiller
Architect, Collector
Anna Bera
Founder, The Whole Elements
Iryna Blaholiak
Landscape Designer, KP Zelenbud Kijów
Ewa Bobkowska
vice-president of the management board for development. P.A. NOVA SA
Danuta Bochyńska-Podloch
Justyna Boduch
Architect, Board member, Association of Polish Architects, Katowice Branch
Katarzyna Borkowska
Designer, Design Strategist, KABO&PYDO
Tomasz Bradecki
Silesian University of Technology
Monika Bronikowska
Jonny Buckland
Design Director, Studio Saar
Radosław Buczkowski
Head Of Design, Market CEE, Signify
Agnieszka Bujak
Country Manager, Duxiana Polska
Małgorzata Burzec-Lewandowska
Chief Editor of PropertyDesign.pl, Deputy Chief Editor of PropertyNews.pl, Co-author of the agenda of 4 Design Days
Tomasz Chmal
art collector, attorney
Agnieszka Chmielewska
marketing communication specialist, Complet Furniture
Anna Olga Chmielewska
Partner, Interior Designer, JAM KOLEKTYW, Stowarzyszenie Architektów Wnętrz
Marcin Chmielewski
Technical Design Advisor, Knauf Sp z o. o.
Magdalena Chorąży-Suchy
Maciej Chrzanowski
Advanced Building Solutions and Sustainability Cluster Lead, CEE & Baltics, ArcelorMittal
Anna Chwałko
Director, Best Western Hotel Mariacki
Jan Cieśla
Architect, Plenipotentiary of the Main Management Board of the Association of Polish Architects for Accessibility and Inclusive Design
Mirosław Czarnik
President of the Board, GPP SA
Aleksandr Czyżewski
President, National Union of Architects in Ukraine
Tomasz Delowski
Vice-President of the branch in Silesia, Member of the Council, the Polish Association of Development Companies (PZFD)
Bartosz Dendura
Atchitect, Founder, studio4SPACE Architecture Workshop, Assistant Professor, the Faculty of Architecture at Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology in Kraków
Marek Dobrzycki
Managing Director, Panattoni Europe
Karolina Drogoszcz
Interior Designer, CEO, Mango Investments
Anna Drozd
Interior Designer, Author of the blog "Pani can do it"
Magdalena Federowicz-Boule
Architect, President, Creative Director, Tremend
Sylwia Filewicz
Head of Development & Construction Department, Capital Park Group
Jocelyn Fillard
Director of Architecture, Partner, SUD Poland
Agnieszka Flak
Specification Manager, Wilsonart Polska
Piotr Fokczyński
President, National Chamber of Polish Architects
Maciej Franta
Architect, Founder, Franta Group
Klaudiusz Fross
Department of Design and Qualitative Research in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology
Wojciech Fudala
Architect, Board member, Association of Polish Architects, Katowice Branch
Jerzy Gabriel
Senior Architect, UNStudio
Marek Gachowski
Lead Architect, Owner, ArKuS Design and Consulting Office
Karolina Gadzimska
Radosław Gajda
Architect, Town Planner, University Lecturer, Founder of the Architecture is a Good Idea video blog
Magdalena Gajek
Owner, Blend PR
Tomasz Gałązka
Advisor, Division of Building Energy-Efficiency, Department of Low-Emission Economy, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Poland
Michał Gałuszka
Architect, the last winner of the Practice copmetition
Paweł Garus
Architect, Founder, mode:lina
Przemek Gawęda
Architect, Urban planner, Co-founder, President of the Management Board, Archigeum
Marcin Gawroński
PPresident, the Polish Society of Eco-Friendly Construction (PLGBC), Director, Department of EcoFriendly Construction, Sweco Polska Sp. z o.o.
Magdalena Gazur
Designer, Manufaktura w Bolesławcu
Rama Gheerawo
Board Member, EIDD - Design for All Europe
Paula Gibała
Senior Sales Manager, Nowy Styl
Justyna Glusman
Managing Director, Association Renovation Wave Poland
Agnieszka Gniotek
Art Historian, Art Critic, Owner, Xanadu Gallery
Natalia Gnoińska
Architect, President, 8Marca Foundation
Artur Golda
President of the Management Board, Managing Director, Centrum Technologiczne BETOTECH Sp. z o. o., Heidelberg Materials Polska
Dawid Gołuch
Head of Quality Control and Certification Department, PETRALANA
Grzegorz Goworek
Interior Designer, Founder, Studio.Organic ORGANIC
Paulina Górska
Katarzyna Grabowska
Specialist for Cooperation with Architects
Oskar Grąbczewski
Architect, OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci
Paweł Gregorczyk
Brand Communication Manager
Tomasz Grela
President of the Management Board, Director General, Aluprof SA
Piotr Grochowski
Head Architect, Arche Group
Krzysztof Groń
Department of Fine Arts and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology
Dawid Grynasz
Co-founder, Designer, Grynasz Studio
Patrycja Gubernat
kids design space expert, founder, KIDS. ROOM ABOUT
Marta Guć
Product Director, IZODOM
Szymon Hanczar
Designer, Hanczar Studio
Maciej Has
Author of the book, Made in Poland, Owner, HasConnect
Krystian Heffner
Head, Department of Spatial and Environment Development, the University of Economics in Katowice
Justyna Hodurek
Kusch+Co Brand Team Manager, Nowy Styl
Aleksander Hudzik
Journalist, Chief Editor, MINT MAGAZIN
Jadwiga Husarska-Sobina
Designer, Husarska Design
Beata Ignasiak
Interior Designer, Owner, Ignasiak Interiors
Artur Indyka
Designer, Host of the program Meblokreacje on the air of Domo, Co-host of the Small Big Changes program on Canal+Domo
Oksana Jabłońska
Proxy, Stefan Kuryłowicz Foundation
Karolina Janczy
Interior Architect, Owner, Janczy Studio
Marek Janiak
Town Planner, the City of Łódź
Aleksander Janicki
Founder, President, Fundacja AYA Found
Mariusz Jankowski
Head of Investor Service Department, Katowice City Hall
Przemysław Janusz
landscape architect
Katarzyna Jaros-Puzio
Country Interior Design Leader, IKEA Retail Sp. z o.o.
Katarzyna Jaroszyńska
TV presenter hosting interior design shows
Przemysław Jedlecki
journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza
Karina Jędrak-Kościesza
Architect, Founder, Pracownia Projektowa Jędrak-Kościesza
Aleks Kacprzak
Architect, Kuryłowicz & Associates
Roman Kaczkowski
Expert, Art Advisor, ARX Gallery
Aneta Kaczmarek
Editor, PortalSamorzadowy.pl
Agnieszka Kaczmarska
Architect, ARSIS Atelier Projektowe Agnieszka Kaczmarska
Karolina Kaim
President, High Level Sales & Marketing
Agnieszka Kalinowska-Sołtys
Architect, Partner, Board Member, APA Wojciechowski Architekci, President, Association of Polish Architects
Jacek Kałużny
Associate Director, Residential Capital Markets, Savills
Rafał Kamecki
CEO, Artinfo.pl Sp. z o.o.
Danuta Kamińska
Deputy-Chair of the Management Board, Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia
Nina Kamińska
Architect, Kuryłowicz & Associates
Antonina Kaplia
Co-founder, Lead Architect, TSEH Architectural Group
Kazimierz Karolczak
Chairman of the Board, Upper Silesia & Zagłębie Metropolis (Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia)
Karolina Karwowska-Gajżewska
Architect, CEO, Deer Design
Pete Kercher
Ambassador, Design for All Europe
Rafał Kerger
Economic Director, Editor-in-Chief,
Mirella i Marcin Kępczyńscy
Hosts of the „Mirella and Marcin” youtube channel, Hosts of the „Para w remont” broadcast on HGTV, Owners of Interior360, an interior design studio
Beata Kępowicz
COO, CMS Cameron McKenna
Paweł Kisiel
President of the Board, ATLAS Sp.z o.o.
Olga Kisiel-Konopka
Managing Director, OKK PR
Andrzej Kleeberg
Hotel Direcotor, Mercure Katowice Centrum
Rafał Knyps
Sales Manager – Powder, GI Poland, Sherwin-Williams, Inver Polska Sp. Z o.o.
Rafał Kobos
Aga Kobus
Interior Architect, Founder of STUDIO. ORGANIC
Jan Kochański
Designer, Owner, Jan Kochański Studio
Paweł Kołodziej
Architect, Partner, Workplace Solutions Sp. z o.o.
Janusz Komurkiewicz
Member of the Management Board for Marketing, FAKRO
Marta Konarska-Smykiewicz
Lead Designer, Director, The Design Group
Robert Konieczny
architect, founder of KWK Promes
Tomasz Konior
Architect, Owner, Konior Studio
Alicja Korbut
Owner, Head Designer, Salak Studio
Tina Kortmann Kortmann
Tina Kortmann, Associate Director, Senior Architect, UNStudio
Katarzyna Koszałka
Interior Designer, Owner, mDom Pracownia Projektowa, Member, Association of Interior Architects
Kamil Kowalczyk
Member of the Management Board, Commercial Director, Unihouse SA
Maciej Kowaluk
Founder, Partner, 3XA Architects
Ewa Kozioł
Editor, Dobrzemieszkaj.pl
Monika Kropiwnicka
Interior Architect, KOBOdesign interior architecture workshop, Member of the Association of Interior Architects
Marcin Krupa
Major of Katowice
Konrad Krusiewicz
Architect, Founder, The Design Group
Jakub Krzysztofik
Architect, President of the Board, the Association of Polish Architects, branch in Łódź
Katarzyna Kuchejda
Interior Designer, Studio Kuchejda
Piotr Kuczia
Architect, Founder, KUCZIA architects
Piotr Kuczkowski
Deputy Dean, Faculty of Interior Architecture, Design and Stage Design, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław
Rafał Kula
Co-Founder, CEO, NOHO Investment
Dominika Kulczyńska
Designer, Zakwas Studio
Sławomir Kumka
Grażyna Kuryłło
Journalist, PropertyNews.p
Ewa Kuryłowicz
General Designer, Vice-President, Kuryłowicz & Associates
Wojciech Kuśpik
President of the Board, PTWP SA
Jagoda Kutkowska
Blogger, @lovingitpl
Marek Kuzaka
Chairman of the Board, AMS
Krzysztof Lasoń
President of the Management Board, Millenium Inwestycje
Grzegorz Layer
Aleksander Lech
President, Association of Landscape Architects
Joanna Leciejewska
Owner, Designer, Joa-Projekt
Renata Lemańska
Maciej Leszczyński
Design Manager, Metis Design Studio
Michał Leszczyński
Architect, Parner, Group 5 Architects
Szymon Liszka
President of the Management Board, Fundacja na rzecz Efektywnego Wykorzystania Energii (Foundation for Efficient Use of Energy)
Elena Logvynets
Architect, Co-founder, Loft Buro
Piotr Lorens
Town Planner of Gdańsk municipality, Head of the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology
Beata Ludwiczak
Assistant Professor, Design Department, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław
Agnieszka Łakoma
Visual Artist, Lecturer, City Artist of Krakow
Beata Łańcuchowska
Interior Designer, Author of the blog "Pani can do it"
Marta Łapińska
Senior Architect, Investeko SA
Justyna Łotowska
Editor, Dobrzemieszkaj.pl
Piotr Łucyan
Interior Architect, Art’Up Interiors
Przemo Łukasik
Owner, Medusa Group
Mikołaj Machulik
Architect, Branch President, The Polish Architects Association, branch in Katowice
Katarzyna Maciejewska
Interior Designer, Maciejewska Design
Alicja Maculewicz
designer, mode:lina
Rainer Mahlamäki
Architect, Co-founder, Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects
Jarosław Makowski
Vice-president of Katowice
Hanna Malik-Trocha
Joanna Małecka
Architect, MAŁECCY biuro projektowe
Jadwiga Małecka-Fick
MAŁECCY Design Office
Wojciech Małecki
Architect, MAŁECCY design studio
Łukasz Manowiecki
Business Development Manager, Zumtobel Group
Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik
Mayor of Zabrze
Karolina Markowska
Journalist, PulsHR.pl, PortalSamorzadowy.pl, WNP.pl
Ewelina Matyjasik-Lewandowska
Interior Designer, Home Stager, Ewelina Matyjasik-Lewandowska – Chasing the sun
Janusz Michałek
President of the Management Board, Katowice Special Economic Zone
Katarzyna Młyńczak-Sachs
Malwina Morelewska
Interior Designer, Morelewska.com
Robert Jacek Moritz
President of the Board, Alta SA, Creator of the Siewierz Jeziorna
Michał Mróz
Vice-President of the Management Board, Director General, Paged Meble Sp. z o.o.
Grzegorz Nawrot
Joanna Nicińska
Regional Director, Echo Investments SA
Anna Niemczycka-Gottfried
Publisher, Chief Editor, Rynek i Sztuka
Marta Niemywska-Grynasz
Co-founder, Designer, Grynasz Studio
Mirosław Nizio
Architect, Sculptor, Owner, Nizio Design International
Wojciech Nowak
Architect, Owner, Znamy się
Karolina Nowak-Sarbińska
Contemporary Art Expert, Art Advisor, Art AdvisoryHost
Michał Nykiel
Lead Architect, 3XA Architects
Joanna Ochota
Owner, Architect, Concept JOanna Projektowanie Wnętrz
Kalina Olejniczak
Editor, PortalSamorzadowy.pl, WNP.pl
Celina M. Olszak
Rector , University of Economics in Katowice
Ewa Parzychowska
Global Shop Design Specialist, IKEA Retail Sp. z o.o.
Andrzej Paschek
Managing Director, PwC Service Delivery Center
Ricardo Paternina
Technical Director, Managing Director, Arrow Architects
Mateusz Pawełczuk
Member of the Board, RE Poweric Sp. z o.o.
Anna Pawłowska
Chairman of the board, Managing Director, Baumschlager Eberle Architekci Kraków
Oskar Pągowski
Designer, Constructor, Host of interior design shows, such as: Remont w 48h, Projekt Lokalny, Bitwa o Dom
Tomasz Pągowski
Designer, Constructor, Host of interior design shows, such as: Remont w 48h, Projekt Lokalny, Bitwa o Dom
Hanna Pietras
Architect, Hanna Pietras Architects
Michał Pietrucha
Head of Design Studio, BIM Manager, Franta Group Architects
Tomasz Pietrzykowski
Vice-Rector for Domestic and International Co-Operation, University of Silesia in Katowice
Magdalena Pios
Architect, Owner, AMBIENT Magdalena Pios
Joanna Piotrowska
art advisor, Art Everywhere
Marcelina Plichta
Co-owner, CEO, Wise Habit
Mirosława Płużek
President of the Management Board, Resi Capital
Tomasz Pniewski
Stanisław Podkański
Architect of the city of Katowice
Joanna Polus
Art Advisor, Your Art Maison
Robert Posytek
Editorial Director – Real Estate, Architecture, Interiors, PTWP Group
Patryk Prychodko
Architect, the last winner of the Practice competition
Iryna Pryma
Publisher of the Prima Interior magazine
Szymon Przydworski
Hotel Director, Qubus Hotel Katowice
Maciej Putowski
Sales Director, Pekabex
Tomasz Pydo
Designer, Design Strategist, KABO & PYDO
Natalia Rasiewicz
Editor, PortalSamorzadowy.pl, WNP.PL, PulsHR.pl
Krzysztof Remes
Monika Rezulak
Director of Design Sales, Saint-Gobain Solutions
Maciej Rodak
Architect, the last winner of the Theory competition
Andrzej Romanowski
Owner, Buildingenergy.info
Patrycja Rudnicka
Assistant Professor, the Faculty of Theory and History of Art, the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Katowice
Jan Ruszkowski
Project Manager, Department of Energy and Climate Change, Analyses Division.
Jacek Ryń
Product Designer, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Jacek Ryń Studio
Joanna Rzepka
Owner, the Szara Gallery
Maria Saloni-Sadowska
Partner, Project Manager, Kuryłowicz & Associates
Tomasz Saternus
Marcin Sawicki
Journalist, Dzień dobry TVN
Janusz Sepioł
Town Planner, Rzeszów municipality
Marta Sękulska-Wrońska
Architect, CEO, Partner, WXCA
Justyna Siejka
Co-founder, Co-owner, Home Sweet Home PR
Karolina Sieniawska
Marketing Coordinator Poland, Cosentino Poland
Adam Sierak
Editor, PortalSamorzadowy.pl, WNP.PL
Jan Sikora
Studio Owner, Sikora Wnętrza
Tomasz Sikora
Senior Leasing Manager, Panattoni
Ananya Singhal
Managing Partner, Studio Saar
Grzegorz Skalski
Architect, Technical Director, maxberg Sp. z o.o.
Magdalena Skibka
CEO and PR Manager
Sebastian Sklepik
Specialist for Architects and Interior Designers, Jawor Parki
Tomasz Słomka
ior Architect, Founder of the TOKA+Home
Kuba Snopek
Urban Planner, Architecture Researcher
Nadiia Sohor
Coordinator of the Lviv branch, National Association of Architects of Ukraine
Katarzyna Sokołowska
Art Director, Founder, SOKKA, Co-Founder, Trashstock
Paweł Sokół
President, the Association of Interior Architects, Co-owner, BAJERSOKÓŁ team
Bartłomiej Solik
Managing Partner, TDJ Estate
Anna Sołomiewicz
Journalist, PropertyDesign.pl
Roland Stańczyk
Architect, Founder, RS Studio Projektowe, Member of the Management Board, the Association of Interior Architects
Jacek Stapowicz
Owner, the Esta Gallery
Przemysław Staroń
Key Account Manager, Wilsonart Polska
Barbara Steciak
Creative Director, Member of the Management Board, Designer, Viva Design
Marcin Steciak
Member of the Management Board, Managint Director, Viva Design
Jerzy Stiller
Sebastian Suchodolski
Head of Leasing, Cavatina Holding
Wojciech Szmit
Product Manager, Deante
Krzysztof Szostek
Technical Advisor for foreign markets, PETRALANA S.A.
Ewa Szymańska Sułkowska
Member of the Managemet Board, Initiator and Organizer of architecture workshops for children „ARCHIDZIECI”, the Association of Polish Architects, branch in Katowice
Bogdan Ślęk
Public & Government Affairs Director CEE, Signify
Rafał Ślęk
CAD Specialist, WSC
Zuzanna Telka
Designer, noo.ma
Dorota Terlecka
Designer, Founder, Biuro Kreacja
Katarzyna Teter
ESG Manager, Respect Energy SA
Artur Tomasik
Chairman of the Board, Upper Silesian Aviation Group (Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Lotnicze SA)
Bartosz Trzop
Architect, Founder, President of the Board, Trzop Architekci
Piotr Uszok
Mayor of Katowice in 1998-2014, President, Eko-Bryza Sp. z o.o.
Aldo Vargas-Tetmajer
Coordinator of theURBACT branch in Poland , the Association of Polish Cities
Maxim Veremeyuk
CEO & Founder, Majsterni
Katarzyna Wąs
Curator, Art Advisor
Aneta Wieczorek-Hodyra
Editor, Propertynews.pl
Mariola Wnętrzak-Sadłocha
Szymon Wojciechowski
President of the Management Board, Co-Owner, Architect-Partner, APA Wojciechowski Architects
Magdalena Wojtas
Sustainable Development Manager, the Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC)
Jerzy Woźniak
Designer, Co-owner, mode:lina
Jerzy Wójcik
CEO, Founder, JWA
Maciej Wójcik
Managing Partner, TDJ Estat
Julia Wybraniec
Kamil Wyszkowski
Country Representative, Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact Network Poland
Anhelina Yefymenko
Director of the Lviv Branch, Center of Architecture, National Association of Architects of Ukraine
Konrad Zabiełło
Technical Support BIM Specialist, WSC
Michał Zakrzewski
Operational Director, Saint-Gobain Construction Products Polska Sp. z o.o., Sustainable Development Director, Saint-Gobain Group in Poland
Krzysztof Zalewski
Architect, Scientist, Publicist, Owner, Zalewski Architecture Group
Krzysztof Zawartka
Member of the Management Board, OMFO Sp. z o.o. (KLH in Poland)
Kamil Zieliński
CEO, Górna Półka
Eliza Ziemińska-Żak
interior designer, Nasze Nowe Design Studio
Dawid Zmuda
Editor, PropertyNews.pl