The city: Are we heading in the right direction?

The city: Are we heading in the right direction? – this is a photo contest accompanying the 4 Design Days 2023 event, aimed at selecting the best photograph of architecture or urban space.

The Contest Work should be the author’s interpretation of urban architecture and, at the same time, an attempt to answer questions such as how we should respond to climate change, the resource crisis, unbridled consumerism, socio-economic inequalities, ageing populations, homelessness, epidemics, etc. What do architects, designers and creators of urban space have to say? Time for reflection: Are we going in the right direction? What is most important?

The aim of the Photo Contest is to try to answer the above questions. We are waiting for photos of urban space – interpretations of what THE CITY is like at the moment, what it should be like, and what we do not want it to become.

Jury of the Contest:

  • Maciej Franta, Founder, Franta Group Architects
  • Agnieszka Kalinowska-Sołtys, President, SARP; Partner, Member of the Board, APA Wojciechowski Architekci
  • Piotr Krajewski, Architecture Photographer
  • Piotr Muschalik, Photographer, Head of the Photography Studio, Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice

The results of the Contest shall be announced during the Property Design Awards 2023 Gala held at the International Congress Centre in Katowice on 26 January 2023.

The winning work shall be permanently exhibited inside the ICC or the Spodek Arena in Katowice. The winning work and the honourable mentions shall be presented during the 4 Design Days 2023 (on 26–29 January 2023). 

Terms and Conditions of the Contest