A journey into the future of architecture and design
The Dobrze Mieszkaj Zone will include numerous discussions and exhibitions showcasing the latest trends in interior design. The best designers from Poland and abroad will talk about their work, the latest projects; they will show in which direction the interior design industry is heading and how AI will affect their work. The exhibition in this zone is a unique opportunity to see the best brands and their latest products in interesting arrangements, as well as a place to present the best design appreciated in the prestigious competition held by the editors of DobrzeMieszkaj.pl - Dobry Design.
1 How will we live?
The Work and Leisure Zone is an arena for discussions about the future of office design in the context of social change, the transformation of the labour market and new technologies. It is also a place to discuss the spaces in which we want to spend our leisure time, such as hotels, restaurants and spas. This will be discussed by designers, architects, manufacturers, major hotel chains, employers, employees as well as sociologists and other prominent experts. The exhibition will showcase the offices and leisure spaces of the future, their arrangements, equipment and technological innovations.
2 How to design workplaces and leisure?
The City Courtyard Zone will showcase a city that is ideal, urbanistically considered, healthy, sustainable, comfortable to live and work in. A city where the human being is the main protagonist. Local government officials, developers, urban planners, architects, construction companies and manufacturers will present their vision of the ideal agglomeration. The exhibition will focus on showing intelligent and ecological solutions in urban space. It will also present settlements, buildings and houses that fit into this idea.
3 How to plan cities?
The Sustainable Building Zone is the place to learn all about building design, building materials, energy sources, financing and the latest technologies to build without a carbon footprint. Prominent experts with a 'green passport' will take the stage: architects, designers, manufacturers, developers, scientists, technology and materials developers. The exhibition will focus on renewable energy sources, ultra-green technologies, products and building solutions.
4 How to create sustainable buildings?
We integrate business, create new opportunities, set trends

Speakers of previous editions

Ulrich Müller
Ulrich Müller
Owner, Director, Architektur Galerie Berlin
Jocelyn Fillard
Jocelyn Fillard
dyrektor ds. architektury, partner, SUD Architekt Polska
Justyna Napiórkowska
Justyna Napiórkowska
dyrektorka artystyczna, Galeria Sztuki Katarzyny Napiórkowskiej w Warszawie i Brukseli
Rafał Kula
Rafał Kula
współzałożyciel, prezes, NOHO Investment
Oskar Zięta
Oskar Zięta
architekt, projektant, założyciel, Zięta Prozessdesign
Robert Konieczny
Robert Konieczny
architekt, założyciel, KWK Promes
Jonathan Woodroffe
Jonathan Woodroffe
Founding Director, Studio Woodroffe Papa
Mateusz Nowotnik
Mateusz Nowotnik
właściciel, Miloni, Grupa Kolektywni
Hugon Kowalski
Hugon Kowalski
architekt, właściciel, UGO architecture
Cameron Sinclair
Cameron Sinclair
współzałożyciel, Armory of Harmony
Robert Jacek Moritz
Robert Jacek Moritz
prezes zarządu, ALTA SA, twórca Miasteczka Siewierz Jeziorna
Marta Sękulska-Wrońska
Marta Sękulska-Wrońska
architekt, CEO, partner WXCA
Paweł Garus
Paweł Garus
architekt, założyciel, mode:lina
Andy Yu
Andy Yu
Projects Director, Sou Fujimoto Architects
Bartosz Trzop
Bartosz Trzop
architekt, założyciel, prezes zarządu, Trzop Architekci
Anna Bera
Anna Bera
założycielka, The Whole Elements
Aser Giménez Ortega
Aser Giménez Ortega
Architect, Associate Director, MVRDV
Kler Piotr
Kler Piotr
założyciel firmy Kler
Tina Kortmann
Tina Kortmann
Associate Director, Senior Architect, UNStudio
Katarzyna Jaroszyńska
Katarzyna Jaroszyńska
dziennikarka telewizyjna prowadząca programy o tematyce wnętrzarskiej
Dan Alka
Dan Alka
fotograf architektury
Ewa Kuryłowicz
Ewa Kuryłowicz
architektka, Kuryłowicz & Associates, Fundacja im. Stefana Kuryłowicza
Maciej Franta
Maciej Franta
założyciel, Franta Group Architects
Jan Kochański
Jan Kochański
projektant, właściciel, Studio Jan Kochański
Rama Gheerawo
Rama Gheerawo
Director, Helen Hamlyn Centre for Inclusive Design, Royal College of Art in London
Szymon Wojciechowski
Szymon Wojciechowski
prezes zarządu, współwłaściciel, architekt-partner, APA Wojciechowski Architekci
Paweł Kisiel
Paweł Kisiel
prezes zarządu, Grupa ATLAS
Anna Drozd
Anna Drozd
projektantka wnętrz, autorka bloga „Pani to potrafi”
Przemo Łukasik
Przemo Łukasik
architekt, Medusa Group
Marta Niemywska-Grynasz
Marta Niemywska-Grynasz
współzałożycielka, projektantka, Grynasz Studio
Jörg Leeser
Jörg Leeser
Founding Partner, BeL Sozietät für Architektu
Bogdan Kosak
Bogdan Kosak
projektant ceramiki, rzeźbiarz
Artur Indyka
Artur Indyka
projektant, prowadzący program „Meblokreacje”, współprowadzący program „Małe Wielkie Zmiany” na antenie Canal+Domo
Rainer Mahlamäki
Rainer Mahlamäki
architekt, współzałożyciel, Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects
Tomasz Augustyniak
Tomasz Augustyniak
projektant, założyciel, Tomasz Augustyniak Studio
Tomasz Pągowski
Tomasz Pągowski
projektant, współzałożyciel Pągowski Studio, prowadzący programy o urządzaniu wnętrz
Joanna Leciejewska
Joanna Leciejewska
właściciel, projektant, Joa-Projekt
Szymon Hanczar
Szymon Hanczar
projektant, Hanczar Studio
Kamil Wyszkowski
Kamil Wyszkowski
przedstawiciel krajowy, dyrektor wykonawczy, UN Global Compact Network Poland
Jadwiga Husarska-Sobina
Jadwiga Husarska-Sobina
projektantka, Husarska Design
Mirosław Nizio
Mirosław Nizio
architekt, mecenas kultury, Nizio Design International
Dominika Kulczyńska
Dominika Kulczyńska
projektantka, Zakwas Studio

Edycja 2024

75 sessions, debates and presentations
320+ speakers from home and abroad
9 stages
150 exhibitors
6 k business guests
14,5 k total participants

They trust us

Accompanying events

WELL ART x 4 Design Days

is a unique art gallery created as part of 4 DESIGN DAYS. The International Congress Centre in Katowice will be transformed into a space presenting the most interesting works of art from renowned galleries and art institutions in Poland. The exhibition includes panel discussions and the opportunity to invest in art.
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Property Forum

is a meeting of owners and heads of real estate companies operating in Poland's largest regional centres. The conference accompanies 4 Design Days 2024, offering a platform for sharing experiences, networking and discussing the future of the real estate market.
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Property Design Awards competition

recognises and promotes unique investments, buildings with exceptional architecture and inspiring design. The best commercial and public projects in Poland, completed by the end of 2024, will be awarded. The winners will be announced at the 2025 Awards Gala.
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Good Design

is the next stage of the competition, looking for new icons of Polish design and their creators who focus on quality, product longevity and sustainability. Presentations of the semi-finalists will take place on 23 January 2025, and the awards will be presented at the Good Design Gala.
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Poland's largest meeting bringing together architects, designers, investors, developers, manufacturers and local authorities


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